Saturday, November 9, 2013

A daddy.....

Lessons learned in life somehow find a way to surface when you least expect them.  The quote above is truly how I feel.  I do not have many friends in my world today.  The ones I do have, I know without a doubt will love me through the good, the ugly and the deepest darkest of my days.  You know who you are and I am forever grateful.  I learned many lessons and will continue to learn those lessons throughout this journey here.  One of the things that I constantly saw Jeff doing was loving without conditions.  He taught me this early in our relationship, he taught this to our children as babies, toddlers and the older ones into their young adult lives before he left this physical world.  I hope that I can continue to teach our kids by example and the way that I treat others.  If I tell you that I love you, you can believe that I have made sure you are in my heart and will forever be in my heart.  It means that no matter what, I will be there, loving you through the good and the ugly...  That I will do what I can to enhance your world and not complicate it. 

Jeff with Brett and Justin...

Jeff with Nick and Noland
Having 4 boys to raise has been quite an adventure, but I will tell you this...  The bond between mom and son is amazing, but nothing beats loving from daddy.  Daddy's are always the fun ones, the adventurous ones.  Dads make rainy days inside fun...  My boys truly miss their daddy and the love that they shared was amazing.  I am grateful that my boys all had an individual relationship with daddy...  There was also a good bit of time missed, when you think you have all the time in the world it becomes " less precious "  Unfortunately we have learned that lesson the hard way.  In some ways, I think we have a slight advantage....  We know the importance of time and what it means when it's GONE... POOF...  I cherish moments differently now.  I embrace the little things now.  I hold dear the tough moments as if they were as valuable as the smooth moments...  It's life, it's not how I envisioned it, but we are finding a peace that passes an understanding... Some days still SUCK...  I believe that there will always be days that will be harder than others.  We continue to go forward, we continue to try and live in the light and not the darkness where we resided for a bit.  I want Jeff to be proud of us and I have said it before, but I truly believe he is guiding us through this mess of life. 

A daddy and his boy.  My heart is smiling....  Make memories and cherish them. This brings me to Josh and his boy... Since we are on the subject of daddy's and their boys.  I hope you guys have tons of fun.  Treasure every minute...  Love you babe !!!
Hugs from the Gang of H's 

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