Friday, May 24, 2013

HAPPY ANNIVER.....Whatever......
( This was the last picture I ever took of Jeff, less than 24 hrs before he left this world )
Anniversaries are completely over rated... unless you are with that special someone... Then you betcha its super important and you better not forget... In a relationship, that's one quick way to the
" dog house "...
Funny thing about Anniversaries, they exist even when the person you shared them with does not.  The dates will show up and roll around and no matter how badly you don't want to experience them, guess what? they happen...  So, Today is one of those days.  I hope in time that today will be a day that I can reflect and love the moments that have happened in between.  Right now, it is just a constant reminder of what was and the future is scary because it is unknown.  I have to make a choice, to scream through all of this or enjoy the ride.  My ride with Jeff was amazing.  If it never happened for me again, I could not say that life slighted me at all.  It has been a great ride.  The ride, however, is just on pause... 
We have quite a few firsts to accomplish in the upcoming weeks...  We will get through them, I know, they will just be tough...  I am tough though and hopefully my kids will draw from my strength and through this experience they can grow...  Some days we grow more and some days not at all...  That's the PROGRESS in this process...  Can't expect it to happen overnight. 
I love my family and friends that are surrounding me via text messages and such to let me know that they are there.  It's just nice to sometimes get that reassurance.  Life is so sketchy...
So, today I celebrate the love that Jeff and I shared by going to the Beach this afternoon...  This is what we both loved and I believe if he were here today with me in his physical body, that is where we would have gone.  Picked up the kids, and hung on the sand, watching the kids have a blast. 
I was 20 years old when I took a vow to love him through sickness and health, in good times and bad, for poorer and richer.  I am honored to have been his wife and now will continue to honor him, knowing that he is watching over us. 
Hug the one your with...  Never take anyone for granted... LIVE life... it's short.  Oh and have fun doing it... 

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