How you doing ? Alright I guess.... typical response... Is it ok to just say we are alright when in fact we are not ok? Can the people in our lives handle it if we are just bitterly honest and said " No, I am not ok today... "
We all become so complacent to just wanting to be ok, that I think we answer that question and hope at some point that we are in fact ok...
The changes that we are facing as a family are scary as hell. We are ok, most days... This last couple of days have NOT been ok. We have felt like the " willies " were going to GET us.
Change is scary. Our world has been in a constant state of change for a bit now. Will we get through it ? You betcha... We will not be defeated. I looked up the definition of change and found it interesting that it states that change is " making or becoming different ". Point taken ... We are becoming different. Is that bad? Depends on how you look at it. Given the circumstances that are we are being forced to change, creates the answer yes. However, if you look at it like this, which is how I choose to see it: We have no choice... change is happening. We will embrace it, and go forward. The ability to make the changes prove we are successful in this endeavor.
Make or become different: "a proposal to change the law"; "beginning to change from green to gold". |
The act or instance of making or becoming different
I believe that we are moving forward. Some days are harder than others and some days I would rather not even exist. Not an option. This blog is giving me the ability to put my thoughts out there for me to keep them organized and for me to share with you all what we are experiencing and in hopes that you all have a greater understanding of what our lives are shaping into.

This is how I feel a lot of the time. I did not sign up to be a single parent and would rather just go face down on the floor than deal with the million issues I have to deal with on a daily basis. The funny part of this is that this picture came about because I thought I could do a push up. I did one, my bones had another idea, and that was to absolutely refuse to do anything relative to a push up. Will be working on that. You all know that once I am told I can't do something, it's exactly what you will find me doing. LOL... But I thought the picture was a great photogenic idea of what I feel like a lot of the time. The difference is that I choose to get up and truck on.
It's getting close to treatment time once again. UGGHHHHHH hate it. Grateful I have the drug to help me participate in life, hate that it removes me from what I love to do for a couple of days. That's a whole different blog, one that by now you all know will be creeping up and thrown out there for your reading enjoyment.
Enjoy whatever you do, embrace change, hug your family and never ever take anything or anyone for granted. You never know when they will not be here for you to love on, hold and treasure.
Love, Hugs and Sandy Toes.
Michelle and the Gang of H's
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