Wednesday, August 28, 2013

AUGUST 27TH, 2004
Tried to get this post up last night for Nick's Birthday,  spent way too much time on it and finally surrendered, not willingly... 
Happy Birthday to my sweet sweet son Nikolas.  You had a trying beginning to life and have continued the fight every day... You were placed in  my arms when you were 3.5 months old and barely weighed 7 lbs... Tiny, Tiny, Tiny thing...  I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to be your mommy.  You give me challenges, oh boy do you give me challenges.  We overcome them and always will.  I promised to always be your voice, you inspire me to be a better me.  I love you !
You may not have grown in my tummy, but I carried you in my heart and always will. 
Love, Hugs and Sandy toes
The Gang of H's

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

This first, first day of school on our own!!!

Today was the first day of School for Nick and Noland...  Yay !! ( Thankful no one can see my happy dance= not exactly pretty )  We made it through another Summer, a different Summer...  But we made it !!!  I was going to go into all the things that made today pretty tough, but I have decided to instead spin this into something positive.  So, you get the positives...
* Nick is in Mr. Pierce's class again this year !!!  We love Mr. Pierce :)
* The boys were super excited this morning and we had a happy fun time getting them to School
*  Noland has a great Teacher.  I love her !!!  Know her from years past at the School.
* Breakfast Point certainly had security underway this morning.  I counted 13 officers at various check points... Once you got through security you felt like you had accomplished everything you had set out to do for the entire day !!!  It is great to see it at the School...
*  It has been a quiet, relaxed day !! except for some idiots I had to deal with on the phone !! Whole nother BLOG !!!
Happy Boys this morning !!!
Hope you all have a great week and try and remember that it is not always smooth sailing, but eventually it all evens out and we get to catch our breath and get ready for the next wave...
Hugs, Love and Sandy Toes
Michelle and the Gang of H's

Friday, August 16, 2013

Life Happens...While we are busy making plans....

Not especially my favorite phrase " Well, bless your heart "... However, being southern, means we hear that a whole lot.  Most of the time when it is used, I believe that it's truly someone trying to sympathize with your situation, other times, instead of being rude or saying something ugly, we simply bless your heart...  ( insert long southern draw here ).  On this journey, I have had a lot of folks blessing my heart...  I do okay, most days.  Then there are the days when it's just not a good one.  I try to imagine Jeff and what he would say to me when I get in that not so happy place.  Most of the time it's a smack on the back of the head and hearing him say " come on, go...  let's go....  what are you thinking?  don't just sit here.  Do something.... Nothing changes Michelle, if nothing changes. "  Ya'll can hear it too can't ya?  We have had some not so pleasant days in the last couple of weeks and some great ones too...  Comes with the territory, people tell me it's LIFE... 

Justin finished his EMT course and is now awaiting taking his state test and can move forward with working soon.  He is starting Fire Science Program at the college.  I am very proud of him, he is loving school, much differently than his love for High School, which did not exist unless it was him on the football field..  He has such a passion to help others and that makes me smile.  He has had to step up in a lot of ways that most young adults have not had to do and I recognize that in a lot of his behaviors lately, nothing negative, he's just learning some life lessons at a young age.  Justin is also applying at the volunteer station here in PCB too.  Hopeful he can begin this journey and he is working hard. 
It's that time of year again, getting ready for School to start...  Nick and Noland are excited this year and so is mom !!!!!!  It's been a loooonnngggg summer... ha ha ha !!!  We love routines, and when school is happening, oh my gosh, the routines are so much more effective and easier to abide by.  We have enjoyed grilling out here with our Laketown Wharf Misfits friends...  and swimming, and going to Gulf World and seeing the Dolphins... We enjoyed a family trip back to Georgia a couple of weeks ago and the boys got to see family and friends.  We had a great time. 
I am learning what makes me smile again.  It's different, not impossible...  It's a choice.  A hard choice some days.  We have some changes coming in the near future about moving from the Condo.  We have loved it hear until recently.  There has been an incredible amount of crime here and some safety issues have been compromised for me that are not repairable.  Changing of management companies is not proving to be a positive change here and there are a ton of people that feel the same way I do  Change is not good for this family !!!  We have had a lot of that and it has been so negative.  I am trying to look at moving as " fresh " renewing !!  Yes, spinning words sometimes helps.  I can't compromise my safety or my kids safety.  I do not like feeling unsafe.  Will post more once we are sure of the specifics !!!  Ya'll send some positive energy out there in the Universe and some Light and I'll be sure to catch it and hope it helps to guide us. 
It also helps having people around that you can just be silly with.  Goofing off and just having fun.  I am learning it's okay to laugh today.  It's okay to have fun...  I am a better person when I am able to just be ME !!! 
Hugs, Love and Sandy Toes Ya'll
Love the Gang of H's