Tuesday, April 1, 2014




The meaning is simple enough, however, the translation and how it is applied is anything but simple... 
For me, this became my word... To begin anew... Entering into widowhood so young and scared to death but trying so hard to hold onto everything that was familiar and changing nothing when everything was different but still the same got to be a bit overwhelming.  I had to " cross over " start again.  Begin a new journey. 

Some time has passed, I have found my new normal... I have began a new adventurous journey... New people in my life and looking forward to all the crazy fun times ahead. 

This became my word for Josh and I... He was my " start " again... The world is a dark and scary place.  He helped make it not so scary and allowed me to go at my own pace.  Our worlds collided and crossing over to a new normal became a secure, not scary endeavor that was encompassed with love and concern.  I left some people behind.  They have to travel this journey at their own pace. It was not healthy for me to burden their grief and sadness along with trying to stay alive and live this life that is such a gift.  I hold them all in my heart and send them positive energy and lots of love and light... I can not do it for them and I will be here when they decide to " Attraversiamo "

I have the word written on my forearm and it reminds me every day that crossing over is a magical beautiful journey in itself.  It is all in the translation... I make choices today to be happy and live...  Hope you do too...
We are only given the right now... Learn to live in the now... Time is precious.. Never take it for granted.  Learn lessons from those around you... I did, I have the lessons that Jeff left me with.  He loved unconditionally and I hope I make him proud loving others the way he did, with my whole heart :) 

Love the one you are with... Always say I love You !!!

Michelle and the gang of H's with a few Ptak's hanging around...


  1. This was very moving, thank you for sharing. I love the tattoo.

  2. I will keep this word close to me now, as you have given a sense of hope in this post. Thank you for that! :')

  3. This word resonates with me and I will live with it now. I too am building a new life after my partner died last year so I understand where you are coming from.

    Eileen @ In My Playroom (also doing the A to Z Challenge)

  4. Thank you all for the kind words. i failed miserably at the A to z challenge.. however, i still blog regularly... The comments encourage me to continue on... thank you thank you !!!
