Friday, May 10, 2013

I was sharing with someone today about how difficult Holiday's are, Anniversaries, Etc.  Just sometimes life on life's terms is difficult...  I manage usually, focus on going forward... But like any other commercialized holiday, it's plastered all over the place.  I am grateful that I can celebrate Mother's Day by appreciating my mom and all the wonderful lessons she has taught me.  I am grateful that I have always had my mother's support and love...  What I was sharing with this individual was just about how present the loss is because it IS Mother's Day weekend.  The comment I received from this individual, which meant no harm, was " well, just celebrate that you have the boys and get to be with them on Sunday ".....  Ok, so thoughts on this comment:  I cherish my children beyond measure, however, it was not my CHOICE to be a single MOM...  These are NOT MY children, they are OUR children.  We made the decision to blend our families and adopt the little guys.  I did not choose this on my own...  so, yes, I will celebrate being a MOM, best Job in the world. However, I am still frickin upset that it is not like it used to be, nor will it ever be like it WAS.
I have decided to start a new tradition this year and include the tradition that we have adopted over the years.  There will be a key component missing, but I know he is always with us in spirit, lives in our hearts and whispers to us in the wind. 
This next week will be a good week.  I am really looking forward to getting some GA love from my Daddy and Felicia and Jen and Jon and their little guys...  Also, Brett and Zack are coming up from Fort Myers.  We have a ceremony planned for Friday to scatter ashes, we are all ready.  You might think that it's not something you prepare for: beg to differ... It is, we have had lots of talks regarding what to do and how and when.  We have several other family ceremonial ash scatterings planned throughout the year and we will discover new feelings each and every time we approach this.  We are going to enjoy each other's company and have a BLAST !!!
Everyone will head out by the 18th which is a HUGE anniversary to get through...  It is also my daddy's Birthday... 
I have plans to take Noland to the Gulf World Marine Park tomorrow as a surprise and as part of my " Mother's Day celebration "...  Nick is going Fishing with Justin and Callon...  Hopeful we can get through this and next year we will remember how much fun we had and how we turned it around.
I always try and make sure that I stress that even though we are trying to go forward, it does not discount what happened to us, or our friends and family, but I have to LIVE !!  Life is so short...  We have to LIVE it !!!  HUGS AND LOVE !!!

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